Takabur [False Pride] expands on these choices from the perspective of Ahmer’s own journey as an artist. He explores these feelings of envy and jealousy that have consumed the society around him and led to people betraying their own. From Ahmer’s perspective, this internal conflict, one in which no individual belonging to the community is allowed to succeed, is a trigger that leads to further exacerbation of the region’s collective trauma.
takabur [false pride] ft. qafilah

Conceptualized, written & by Ahmer Javed, Qafilah.
Mixed & mastered by Henry Watkins.
Featuring performance by: Qafilah.
Production by Prxphecy.
Gulzaras gai dandas tal zew phasit,
Beauty bit its tongue again,
Izharas ma dicxhhas ijazat,
Wasn’t allowed to express, permission wasn’t granted,
Lokchaaras ha cheerith cha raz hatis,
Childhood doesn’t see the light of the day,
Zindah aasnaas yeli thaph dina aaye naalas,
You are born just to survive, not live,
Gai cxith zan imaanas, naadaanas karakh kya?
Having faith seems unreal, we are too naive to believe,
Chui gober ruhani, meezanas karakh kya?
Can’t measure your spiritual burden, what will lady justice do?
Soraph chaynis bhaagas manz, paanas wanakh kya?
There are snakes in your lawn, what are you gonna call yourself?
Jahalat be aalas, jahanas wadakh kya?
Ignorance and laziness, when will you stop pointing fingers?
Hatakh bhayis, bhayis,
Brothers out to kill each other,
Saqat na yeli zaroorat madad bhayis bhayis,
But want benefits, when we have to help each other,
Waqtas peth na manaan yeti maelis, kus maelik?
No love for your own, no wonder we don’t believe in God,
Wuchum jazba pyaraan, diyas ma kah waenij,
I have seen courage, begging for heart,
Pricxum yeli tath daedis, dopnam cxa chuk zaenith,
I was talking to my sorrows, they said that you are aware,
Bha na chus na kah shaeyir,
I am not a poet,
Bas nafar yus waetith,
I am just a guy who’s trying
Wanaan mei faetir,
They have called me a mad man,
Wanaan mei yim kaefir
They say that i am a disbeliever,
Wanaan mei yim maehir,
Then they say I’m a victor when it helps them,
Wanaan meyi yim aelim,
And then they say that I am a wise man,
Chi samkhaan ti bael yim, cxhataan toml’e phael yim
They just meet when it helps,
Yeti gasaan chi phael,
Strong break too,
Pat keet ti hael yim ma asan,
No matter how dangerous you think you are,
Keet ti daer yim ma basan
How smart you are,
Bha sanaan eraadan
I only care about intentions,
Zahar chui dilas manz karakh kya nemaazan?
There’s hatred in your heart, even when you pray
Kafan yeti kalas peth karakh kya cxe khaaban
Shroud wrapped around our head, what dreams?
Karakh kya ricaardan?
What are these songs gonna achieve?
Yeti pyanaavaan patthar, aes wathan chi waapas,
They bring you down, but don’t give up,
Aki lati, hati lati,
One time, a hundred times,
Huwo gaash anigati
Being that hope amongst all the lies,
Kaer thap akayi razi,
Holding on to one rope,
Paraan kitaaban manz asi, tawai,
Everything we do is for the books,
Yus ti zanaan cxe poz na, qalam gob yi lot na
What you believe isn’t true, this pen won’t get weak,
Qalam pok yi thok na
This pen bleeds and never wore me out,
Banyio dachhun fyok yi
It became a shoulder for to me lean on,
Mei zuv duit
I have given this my own life,
Mei wuch rut
I have seen the brighter side,
Ditum na saath zah ti galatuk,
Never stood for what was wrong,
Sui shahar ti sui kuth
Still representing my city, same crib,
Sui macxhar akui buth
Still passionate about this art, only one face,
Sui locxar yeli howukh takabur
Gonna show them mercy even if they envy,
Yus ti zanaan cxe poz na, qalam gob yi lot na
What you believe isn’t true, this pen won’t get weak,
Qalam pok yi thok na
This pen bleeds and never wore me out,
Banyio dachhun fyok yi
It became a shoulder for to me lean on,
Mei zuv duit
I have given this my own life,
Mei wuch rut
I have seen the brighter side,
Ditum na saath zah ti galatuk,
Never stood for what was wrong,
Sui shahar ti sui kuth
I’m in the same city, same room,
Sui macxhar akui buth
Still that passion, only one face,
Sui locxar yeli howukh takabur
Gonna show them mercy even if they envy,
3 farez, 2 sonnat parith yelli b draas
As I got done praying, I stepped out of the mosque,
hawhas rall’e zahar, dil’an vasvaas
Toxic smoke everywhere, hearts burdened,
su khaas’e safed, sorakh oes gomut
White scarf turned red,
Rangsaaz’an haz pyaal’e oes khoon’uk chomut
The painter was forced to drink a glass of blood,
Penj’i peth haz wuch me hujoom akh khada
A group of people standing on the edge of a cliff,
Wechim lukh wadaan, asaan jeahilah akh
Sobbing, while a tyrant stood there, laughing at them,
Shuhul naar dazaan roodh kunui zonn gawah
As the cold, calm fire burned, that was the only witness left,
Takabur takabur takabur zabah
Wishing there was an end to this
But never mind,
Weajib chu weayiz ti weatith gocx aasun
It’s compulsory, one has to be righteous,
Su soruph ti safas manz learith gocx aasun
Evil has to eventually bow down and pray,
Muneasib chu qeasib ti earif socx aasun
One has to be perfect in this imperfect world too,
Su khealik sawal’an hiund sheayir gocx aasun
We will never know what God knows,
But never mind,
Phetmecx akh tumbakh near
A broken instrument, we are,
Cxandaan rooz doh raath so deedar rabab’un
Craving for the love of rabab,
Hishii kath mohabbat’uk aasun na aasun
No difference whether there is love or not
But never mind,
Wanni kyah yass daezmecx dea’ar
A window that kept secrets was burned down, can’t reveal anymore,
Khor’an tall kaagaz ka’em maandaan gayi temsez ke’arr
We stepped on our own roots and stopped them from growing,
Khaas’as peyi khaam’un zaroorat panah
As the cold, calm fire burned, that was the only witness left,
takabur takabur takabur zabah
Wishing there was an end to envy
Wall’e laag me ti narr’i
So just take these arms away,
Sonn’e senz hatt’e karr’i
But they deserve handcuffs made of Gold,
Nikh’e zuu myon thapp’i
You snatched the life that was given to me,
Toett’i lath chaan’i watt’i..
That’s why they spit wherever you go,
Aki lati, hati lati,
One time, a hundred times,
Huwo gaash anigati
Being that hope amongst all the lies,
Kaer thap akayi razi,
Holding on to one rope,
Paraan kitaaban manz asi, tawai,
Everything we do is for the books,
Yus ti zanaan cxe poz na, qalam gob yi lot na
What you believe isn’t true, this pen is heavy, it’s not smooth,
Qalam pok yi thok na
This pen bleeds and doesn’t wear out,
Banyio dachhun fyok yi
It became a shoulder for to me lean on,
Mei zuv duit
I have given this my own life,
Mei wuch rut
I have seen the brighter side,
Ditum na saath zah ti galatuk,
Never stood for what was wrong,
Sui shahar ti sui kuth
Still representing my city, same room,
Sui macxhar akui buth
Full of desire, no double standards,
Sui locxar yeli howukh takabur
Gonna show them love even if they envy,
Yus ti zanaan cxe poz na, qalam gob yi lot na
What you believe isn’t true, this pen is heavy, it’s not smooth,
Qalam pok yi thok na
This pen bleeds and never wore me out,
Banyio dachhun fyok yi
It became a shoulder for to me lean on,
Mei zuv duit
I have given this my own life,
Mei wuch rut
I have seen the brighter side,
Ditum na saath zah ti galatuk,
Never stood for what was wrong,
Sui shahar ti sui kuth
I’m in the same city, same room,
Sui macxhar akui buth
Still crazy about it, no double standards,
Sui locxar yeli howukh takabur
Gonna show them mercy even if they envy,
Yus ti zanaan cxe poz na, qalam gob yi lot na
What you beli eve isn’t true, this pen is heavy, it’s not smooth,
Qalam pok yi thok na
This pen bleeds and never wore me out,
Banyio dachhun fyok yi
It became a shoulder for to me lean on,
Mei zuv duit
I have given this my own life,
Mei wuch rut
I have seen the brighter side,
Ditum na saath zah ti galatuk,
Never stood for what was wrong,
Sui shahar ti sui kuth
Still representing my city, same crib,
Sui macxhar akui buth
Still loving this, no double standards
Sui locxar yeli howukh takabur
Gonna show them mercy even if they envy